Lietuvos gyventojų skaitymo įpročiai

Kultūros ministerija, kryptingai formuojanti skaitymo skatinimo politiką ir finansuojanti skaitymo skatinimo veiklų įgyvendinimą Lietuvoje, siekdama užfiksuoti konkretaus istorinio laiko skirtingo amžiaus šalies gyventojų skaitymo mastą, kryptingumą bei įpročius, susijusius su sociokultūrine ir demografine problematika, neskaitymo rizikomis ir naujomis, įsivyraujančiomis visuomenės gyvenimo būdo tendencijomis, siekdama įvertinti galimą finansuojamų skaitymo skatinimo veiklų poveikį bei nustatyti gyventojų infomuotumą […]

Evaluation of Measures and their Impact for the Promotion of Lithuanian Culture Abroad

The aim of the research: to present conclusions and recommendations regarding strategic actions in specific cultural areas and geographical territories and the possibilities / conditions / prospects of their implementation. Research Conducted by UAB „Theoria“. The study was commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania with the participation of the Lithuanian Council […]

The Situation of Safeguarding and Actualizing Intangible Cultural Heritage and How it Can be Improved

This is the first empirical study on intangible cultural heritage (ICH) in Lithuania since 2004, when Lithuania ratified the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (hereinafter referred to as the Convention). Aim of the study is to analyse the actualization of intangible cultural heritage in Lithuania and identify its main […]

Gender Inequality in the Cultural Sector: the Economic and Emotional State of Female Artists

Aims of the Study about Gender Inequality in the Cultural Sectors: Objectives of the Research: Main conclusion: In summarising this study, it can be concluded that there is a problem of gender inequality in the cultural and creative industries, which manifests itself in the unequal economic and emotional state of male andfemale artists. In other […]

COVID-19 pandemijos ir kitų 2020-2022 m. krizių poveikis kultūros ir kūrybiniam sektoriui 2023 m.

Tyrimo tikslas: ištirti COVID-19 pandemijos ir kitų 2020-2022 m. krizių poveikį kultūros ir kūrybiniam sektoriui. Tyrimo etapai: Tyrimą atliko: Nuoširdžiai dėkojame visoms prisidėjusioms organizacijoms ir LKT Stebėsenos ir analizės skyriaus darbuotojams už įžvalgas ir patarimus: Martynui Tininiui ir Radvilei Maskuliūnaitei. Tyrimo metai: 2023 Tyrimo ataskaita: COVID-19 ir kitų 2020-2022 m. krizių poveikis KKI Tyrimo santrauka: […]

Lietuvos kultūros sklaidos užsienyje tikslinių priemonių ir jų poveikio vertinimas

Tyrimo tikslas: pateikti išvadas bei rekomendacijas dėl strateginių veiksmų konkrečiose kultūros srityse ir geografinėse teritorijose ir jų įgyvendinimo galimybių / sąlygų / perspektyvų. 

Study on the social and creative condition of the artists

Research aims: 1. To analyze the current socio-economic and creative situation of creators.2. To evaluate social security mechanisms, tax concessions, financial and otherstate interventions applied by the state to improve the condition of artists.3. To formulate the principles of long-term, systematic monitoring of the conditionof artists, collection and analysis of data about them. Objectives of […]

Lithuanian Film Industry and Inward Film Investment

Goal of the study: To conduct the industry analysis of the Lithuanian film production sector. This initiative will lay the foundation for the development of an effective inward investment strategy. Methodology: The analysis was carried on the basis of: Meetings with Lithuanian film industry participants Meetings with Lithuanian film industry policy makers (e.g. Ministry of […]

Participation in culture and satisfaction with cultural services in Lithuania 2020

The survey of Participation in Culture and Satisfaction with Cultural Services in Lithuania is a detailed research on cultural services and participation in Lithuania. It is conducted every three years since 2014. Main goals of the survey:

The Economic Contribution of Copyright-Based Industries in Lithuania

Purpose: To produce a precise map of the copyright-based industries in Lithuania interms of economic value. Research objectives: Quantify the economic contribution of copyright and related rights-based industries in the country by estimating their value added to GDP (and GVA), share of national employment, and revenue generated from foreign trade; Analyse and elaborate selected copyright […]