Study on the social and creative condition of the artists

Research aims: 1. To analyze the current socio-economic and creative situation of creators.2. To evaluate social security mechanisms, tax concessions, financial and otherstate interventions applied by the state to improve the condition of artists.3. To formulate the principles of long-term, systematic monitoring of the conditionof artists, collection and analysis of data about them. Objectives of […]

The evaluation of innovation in the regional municipal cultural institutions in Lithuania

Purpose of the study: Based on Norway’s good practice, analyze the innovation of the regional cultural institutions in Lithuania and propose recommendations for their further development. Key takeaways: There’s a positive perception regarding the innovation level of the cultural establishments in the regions of Lithuania. The innovation is mainly promoted by the interested and active […]

Improving the implementation of Lithuania’s international cultural policy.

Purpose of the Study: This feasibility study is designed to evaluate the current situation of the formation and implementation of Lithuania’s international cultural policy and suggest practical recommendations. Main recommendations: To clearly identify the policy goals and value for society. To distinguish cultural, economic, social and diplomatic goals of the international cultural policy in the […]

Lithuanian Film Industry and Inward Film Investment

Goal of the study: To conduct the industry analysis of the Lithuanian film production sector. This initiative will lay the foundation for the development of an effective inward investment strategy. Methodology: The analysis was carried on the basis of: Meetings with Lithuanian film industry participants Meetings with Lithuanian film industry policy makers (e.g. Ministry of […]